Tag Archives: sport

Fundamental Movement Skill – Underarm Throw

Today we continued practising the underarm throw. These were some steps we needed to remember:

  • Make sure your body is nice and straight
  • Keep your eyes straight at the target
  • Use the non-throwing hand to point at the target
  • With the throwing arm, swing down past your hip and release

Look at Kindy practising underarm throws by aiming their bean-bag through the hoop!





2013 Athletics Carnival

Physical Education for Kindergarten

Every Wednesday afternoon, we learn and practice a Fundamental Movement Skill. On Friday afternoon, we play games and sports. At the moment, we are learning the  Fundamental Movement Skill called Static Balance.

Students had to balance bean-bags on different parts of their body and move around the playground without letting them fall off. In this picture, students tried to balance the bean-bag on their neck!


Students had to balance a plastic egg on a spoon and weave around the cones. They also tried to walk along the low balance-beam.


Mr H took some great pictures of everyone out playing sport with the ACPE students!

Premier’s Sporting Challenge

Every year, our school participates in the Premier’s Sporting Challenge. It aims to engage young people in sport and physical activity and encourages them to lead healthy, active lifestyles. Over a 10 week period, classes are challenged to accumulate time spent in physical activities during class-time, lunch-time and recess, after school, on the weekends, and incidentally.

There are four levels of achievement: Bronze (average 30 minutes per day), Silver (average 45 minutes a day), Gold (average 60 minutes per day), and Diamond (average 80 minutes per day). We record our minutes in our class record book, and get a certificate at the end. The school can get new sporting equipment if we achieve well!

Here are some suggestions for activities – anything that makes you ‘huff and puff’ will do:

  • Moderate activities: Brisk walking, bike riding with friends, skateboarding, lawn bowls, playground games, yoga, dancing, etc.
  • Vigorous activities: Australian Football, netball, aerobics, soccer, running, fitness circuits, dance, swimming laps and training for sport, etc.
  • Incidental activities: Walking to and from school, climbing lots of stairs, gardening (eg. lawn mowing), housework (eg. sweeping floors),
  • School activities: Playground games, school sport, PE or fitness lessons, cross country or athletics training, dance group
