Tag Archives: FMS

Fundamental Movement Skill – Underarm Throw

Today we continued practising the underarm throw. These were some steps we needed to remember:

  • Make sure your body is nice and straight
  • Keep your eyes straight at the target
  • Use the non-throwing hand to point at the target
  • With the throwing arm, swing down past your hip and release

Look at Kindy practising underarm throws by aiming their bean-bag through the hoop!





Physical Education for Kindergarten

Every Wednesday afternoon, we learn and practice a Fundamental Movement Skill. On Friday afternoon, we play games and sports. At the moment, we are learning the  Fundamental Movement Skill called Static Balance.

Students had to balance bean-bags on different parts of their body and move around the playground without letting them fall off. In this picture, students tried to balance the bean-bag on their neck!


Students had to balance a plastic egg on a spoon and weave around the cones. They also tried to walk along the low balance-beam.