Category Archives: Year – 2013

We are fantastic artists!




Extraordinary X

Our Topics

For term 4, in Human Society and it’s Environment (HSIE) we are learning about how different families celebrate together.

In Health and Science, we are learning about healthy life choices (we are starting off with lots of experiements about germs and personal hygiene).

Q and u together make ‘qu’!


Vowels are letters made with an ‘open mouth sound’, where your mouth stays open and your tongue stays out of the way. They are the letters ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, and ‘u’; and sometimes a ‘y’ if it makes the sound ‘i’. Usually, vowels go in the middle of words, before or after a consonant (letters that are not vowels), and you won’t usually find more than two vowels together.


Why read books?



Edward: “We learned pencil jump”
Luke: “We are going to gymnastics on gymnastics day – Thursday!”
Salvatore: “We did monkey walking”
Nuhad: “W do some pencil jumps”
Bailee: “We did some star jumping”
Jack: “We did pancake walking”
Angelin: “We ran and then jumped on the trampoline and landed on the mat”
Vasileios: “We did the bear walk”
Rehan: “We jumped on the trampoline and then stopped like motorbikes”.

Living or Non-Living Things?

Days of The Week

Remember the story of the very hungry caterpillar? He ate different foods each day of the week. Try out some games and songs to practice your days of the week.

Zippy Zz

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