Category Archives: English

Using Speech to Persuade

Bambooville: The best shopping in town

We created posters to advertise our community businesses.

We also made radio ads to persuade you to shop in our businesses.

Where would you go shopping in Bambooville, and why?

Technology in Action

We have been learning to use the free program Pic Collage on the Mini iPads. It was perfect for making posters to advertise our businesses. See how we are all being Active Learners!


Extraordinary X

Q and u together make ‘qu’!


Vowels are letters made with an ‘open mouth sound’, where your mouth stays open and your tongue stays out of the way. They are the letters ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, and ‘u’; and sometimes a ‘y’ if it makes the sound ‘i’. Usually, vowels go in the middle of words, before or after a consonant (letters that are not vowels), and you won’t usually find more than two vowels together.


Zippy Zz

Jump for Jj

Try Yy

Wonderful Ww

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