Category Archives: Year – 2009

Happy Spring Holidays

I hope everyone’s enjoying their two weeks of spring break! See you all back at school on the 11th of October 🙂


Cindy’s Sister’s Homemade Banana Choc-Chip Cookies Recipe

Who wants Homemade Banana Choc-Chip Cookies?

If you do, you have to make it by yourself with an adult. I saw how S2S and S2K made there own decorative cookies. I made cookies for my class assignment, the teacher said they were very delicious and great in shape. I changed the butter a bit because all i could taste was the butter. This is the recipe…

  • 105 butter
  • 1 3/4 self raising flour.
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 caster sugar
  • 1/2 brown sugar
  • 1/2 choc chip, if  dont like choc chip put m&m’s or smarties or peanut.
  • 1 ripe banana


  1. Lightly grease two oven trays.
  2. Beat butter and both sugars together in a small bowl with an elective  mixer or wooden spoon until mixer is light & fluffy.
  3. Add egg and beat until well combined.
  4. Stir in sifted flour ,bananas and choc chips.
  5. Now make the dough in to little balls and press them down onto the trays 3cm apart from each other to make room to grow. Keep making little balls until finish dough.
  6. Cook at 180 celsius degrees ,for about 20mins,or until the cookies are light and browned.Cool on tray.

Now try it and tell me how it taste! Please post a comment and say about my cookie.XD


Holidays and Hospitals

Hope you’re all enjoying your holidays! I wont be able to approve any comments for a while, as I’m not easily able to get to a computer (I’ve got a painful  hospital  story to tell you all when we get back to school, but don’t worry I’ll be better soon!), so I hope you have each others phone numbers to keep in touch. See you on Tuesday 20th, if I recall the date correctly.

UPDATE: Mrs K had appendicitis (click on the link for more information), and had to have an operation to get her appendix taken out. I am very sore now – it feels like somebody has been punching me very hard in the belly! I stayed in hospital for a few days on lots and lots of yucky medicines, but the doctors and especially the nurses have looked after me very well., and I am home now, resting up. I’m not sure if I’ll be back at school straight away next week with the rest of you, we will see what the doctor says, and I’ll see you all soon I’m sure!

Is Beauty Real?

Last year’s S2S looked at advertising, and found this video which shows what some models in ads have to do to look the way they do. Watch, read, and comment with what you think.

Is beauty real or is it a lie? We get our ideas of what is beautiful from photographs on the computer and websites, on billboards and posters, from magazines, TV and movies.

However, the fashion industry is telling you lies. They makeover the models with heaps of expensive make-up, change their hairstyles, dress them in overpriced top quality clothing, supply shiny jewellery, and hide, remove, or change all the ‘ugly’ bits, all wioth special equipment like fans and lighting. It takes hours!

After all that, they take the photographs and change them on the computer.They make the eyes bigger, change eye color, tidy up the hair, even out the skin colour, brighten lip colour, reshape your face, add makeup, and even make the neck longer and thinner.

People look at the photos and might feel bad. They could think they are obese, because they can’t fit into the dress the model is wearing. They could be jealous  because they want to be like the model, or feel betrayed if they find out the models who look so good in the pictures actually ugly or just normal looking.  People might try and be as skinny as the models look by stopping eating which would make them sick. They might get teased if they don’t look like a model.

It can’t be good for the model either. They might get allergic to the makeup or the makeup could make their skin bad. They might get poked in the eye with mascara!  They could be kidnapped by someone who thought they were so attractive they wanted to keep the model to themselves. People might not believe the real person is the same as the one in the picture.

People should create their own ideas of beauty instead of looking at fantasy images in magazines. They could look at pictures that haven’t been changed of normal people, not just young and beautiful ones. You could look at real people around you (as long as you don’t copy their style completely!). People should focus on health, happiness, and ‘inner beauty’ instead of what you look like on the outside.

Cindy’s Super Hard Riddles

  1. A cat has one, a horse two – some animals have more. An elephant has only three – while a crocodile has four. What are they?
  2. I belong to you – a gift from fathers and mothers. Occasionally used by you – more often used by others
  3. Old Mother Hubbard went to her cupboard to get her poor dog a bone. When she got there, the cupboard was bare, so she cried ‘OICURMT!’ What does this mean?
  4. A woman has six daughters and they each have a brother. How many children does she have?
  5. If it takes two men 4 hours to dig one hole, how long does it take them to dig half a hole?
  6. I can be long. I can be short. I can be grown. I can be cut. I can be bought. I can be painted. I can be bare. I can be eaten. I can be round. I can be square. What am I?

I made these ones up no one had ever known this.

7. What did the traffic light say to the cars?

8. Why did a boy bring a ladder to school?

9. What starts with t ends with t and is full of t?

10. What is white when it is dirty and black when its clean?

A New Name

Miss S is now Mrs K, after getting married on Saturday. Here’s a picture, as promised 🙂


Now, since I’m sitting in a cafe in Vietnam, I’m going to leave you all to it for the rest of the holidays. Enjoy yourselves!

Weekly Wonderful Website: T1 W8

Practice your multiplication facts. The faster you answer, the faster your car will race around the track. Play against players around the world.


Any errors will show up at the end for you to check, and practice again. Good luck!

Too easy?

Some people are finding this week’s subtraction activity too easy! For the same game but harder try clicking on the following links:

Weekly Wonderful Website: T1, W5

This is the first Weekly Wonderful Website post for this year! This week, I’ve chosen a website with lots of different games for kids to play. It’s called and has free games (some educational, some just for fun), jokes, and brain teasers for the cleverest of my Clever Cookies to try out!

I’d love people to post with the game or other activity they chose, and what they thought of it! I’ve clicked on ‘free games’ link and found all sorts of fun things!


If you forget how to post a comment, just put your first name, leave the email and website blank, copy the anti spam word, and write your comment. When you press submit, the website will email me to check and approve your comment.

Changing of the Years

Well, we’ve made it! The end of the year for the ’09 Clever Cookies. Congratulations to us all!

  • ’09 Year 4s – you’ll be getting mixed up into the three Year 5 classes for 2010.
  • ’09 Year 3s – you’ll be lucky enough to have another year with me, and with each other – in 2010 you’ll be my Year 4s.
  • We’ll be welcoming in a few students who were in S2P and S1/2W into our Year 4 for 2010, since those classes won’t exist next year.
  • Finally, we’ll be getting a mix of the ’09 Year 2s to be our new Year 3s for 2010.

Good luck for all those students leaving us, and welcome to those who’ll be joining us. For everyone, enjoy your summer holidays – nothing to do but enjoy yourselves until January 28th 2010! Merry Christmas for those of you who celebrate it, and see you all next year!

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