What makes a speech memorable?

Here are some examples of children giving speeches. They may be good or bad, but what I want you to think about is what makes them memorable – that is, makes you remember them. These memorable parts may be things you can include in speeches you do at school. Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

About Ms Salmon

I am a teacher in NSW, Australia. I use this blog for my students each year, and for collecting games, videos, images etc. for use with those classes.


  1. these videos are perfect.

  2. When we talked in class, the clever cookies found these points memorable:

    From the first speech: interesting voice, change of volume, movement, he memorised it, it had a strong message, some funny bits, he had a reference to where his information came from, and he numbered his important points.

    From the second speech: She used short points, not long sentences, interesting expression in her voice, examples, stories to support her points, hand movements, a strong message to her speech, some funny bits, pauses between her ideas.

    From the third speech: She had strong serious points, she talked about the future, she was honest, she wanted people to feel sad so they would want to help, quick looks at her writing, eye contact.