Trish Jackson

Today we were fortunate to hear the inspiring life story of thalidomide survivor, Trish Jackson. She was born without arms, has had many surgeries for problems with her heart and endures constants pain. But she feels:

“The world doesn’t owe me anything. You make what you want in life. It’s about what you can do, not what you can’t.”

“People told me that I wouldn’t. But I could, I can and I still do.”

She has found ways to do everything with her feet, from eating and writing, to fishing and even driving! Trish has now discovered her talents in visual arts and photography. She spoke about being resilient and persistent, and always choosing kindness over bullying.

Finally, Trish challenged us to try writing with our feet. She definitely did a much better job than all of us, which goes to show you can do anything if you try hard and practice long enough!


About Ms Salmon

I am a teacher in NSW, Australia. I use this blog for my students each year, and for collecting games, videos, images etc. for use with those classes.