Tag Archives: health

Healthy Harold Visits







Healthy Food Choices


Keep It Clean!


Try these games about keeping clean!

How are teeth like eggs?

The shell of an egg behaves kind of like a tooth. So, both Kindy classes did an experiment to see the effect of soft drink on an egg/tooth.

One egg sat in a popular brand of cola for a day, the control egg sat in water so we could compare what happened.

When the eggs came out, the cola egg was brown and slimy but the other egg was still clean.



We know when teeth need to be cleaned, so we thought we should clean the egg. A dry toothbrush didn’t work. A wet brush didn’t work. Only a wet toothbrush with toothpaste helped, and only if we kept scrubbing long enough (singing the alphabet song once or twice in your head offs a good guide). This is the yucky egg after half of it was cleaned.


One person wondered if it the inside of the egg would change colour like the shell changed colour. We opened the egg  tho find out but it was still egg coloured inside!

Brush Your Teeth!

Try these games!

Food Groups

We have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods.

Now, we need to learn about different kinds of food groups. We need to eat different amounts of food from each group to get energy.

Try some of these games to learn more.

Brekkie Set Go

On Friday, we saw the guys from Brekkie Set Go who taught us all about energy and healthy eating. It was really fun when we made a giant digestive system!

Project: Kids Health Issues

DUE: November 12th (2 weeks)

Your task:

  1. Choose a kids health issue, either from the list below or something else you find interesting.
  2. Research the issue, using books, the internet, and your own knowledge. Include a classification, description, enhancements (eg. pictures and diagrams). Make a reference list.
  3. Put the information you find IN YOUR OWN WORDS and present it in an interesting way
    (eg. information sheet, poster, display book, PowerPoint presentation, glog, etc).
  4. Explain your project and what you learned to the class (1 – 3 minute talk)

Suggested topics:

  • asthma
  • allergies
  • anaphylaxis
  • appendicitis
  • ADD or ADHD
  • common cold
  • chicken pox
  • conjunctivitis
  • diabetes
  • epilepsy
  • eczema
  • head lice
  • flu (influenza)
  • ‘growing pains’
  • headaches
  • laryngitis
  • motion sickness
  • tonsillitis


Weekly Wonderful Website: T4W2

This week, I couldn’t decide on just one activity. So you’ve got a choice of body part games. What I want you to get out of the activities is the chance to practice the names and spelling of parts of the body. Choose from:

  • A jigsaw
  • Match three game (fun, even if not particularly educational!)
  • Sliding puzzle (i couldn’t make the pieces move on my computer, maybe you will figure it out?)
  • Word match,
  • Word search (my personal favourite – you can set the difficulty, the number of words, and even whether to have a timer or not),
  • Word chooser, and
  • Match the meanings game.

Enjoy, and try to learn something!


Question: Where do germs come from?

Germs are actually living things found all over the world. There are 4 types of germs: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Because they are so tiny, they can get inside our bodies and make us sick. But what exactly can they do?

  • Bacteria: They can reproduce inside or outside the body. Some infections bacteria cause include sore throats, ear infections, tooth cavities, chest infections, and pneumonia.
  • Virus: They can only live for long while inside a living thing and take nutrients from bigger living things. Some diseases viruses caused: chickenpox, measles, the flu, and many other diseases. Because some viruses can live for a while on something like a doorknob or countertop, be sure to wash your hands regularly!
  • Fungi: These are plant-like living things that love warm, damp places and take nutrients from bigger living things. They often cause itchy skin rashes like tinea (athlete’s foot) and ringworm.
  • Protozoa: These organisms love moisture and spread disease through unclean water. They can  cause tummy problems like nausea (feeling like you need to be sick), belly pain and diarrhea.

If you do get sick, a doctor can look at what’s wrong with you, and look at your blood in a laboratory to see what is making you sick and figure out how to make you better.

The good thing about all these yucky germs is that we can protect ourselves really easily. Wash regularly with soap and water (especially after doing anything dirty, and before eating), and then dry yourself thoroughly. Always cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and throw the germ-covered tissues away. Then look after your body with food and exercise so it has the best chance of fighting off any germs.

By the way, did you know there are even a few bacteria that are good for our bodies? They live in our bellies and help digest food!
