Australia’s Original Inhabitants

Did you know that Australia has always been multicultural, even before Europeans arrived? There are suspected to have been over 500 different language groups or nations across the Australian continent, dating back to between 50,00 and 100,000 years ago! Use the Aboriginal language map and try to find our location.

Over thousands of years of careful observation, Aboriginal people acquired an intimate knowledge of physical features of the land, animals, plants and people, and their interconnectedness. They managed the environment according to ancient laws and customs. Locally developed practices, such as construction of fish traps in rivers and the use of fire to increase new growth, increased biodiversity and maintained the food supply for small and sustainable populations of Aboriginal peoples throughout Australia.

The Dreamtime or Dreaming was when Aboriginal creators lived on the earth and formed the landforms, animals and plant life, as well as the time of laying down of the law. The Dreaming is the continuation of the life cycle, living under the law, and continues even today. As the world changes, the Dreaming continues. Underpinning and strengthening Aboriginal culture is the strong spiritual and physical connection that Aboriginal people have with the land (sometimes known as “Country”).

Your job today is to read and highlight your information sheet, and complete the following activities:

  • Group 1 – Timeline of Aboriginal and European activity in Australia
  • Group 2 – Aboriginal language and cultural area map
  • Group 3 – Traditional foods and hunting methods (posters)
  • Group 4 – Our local peoples (Venn diagram)

About Ms Salmon

I am a teacher in NSW, Australia. I use this blog for my students each year, and for collecting games, videos, images etc. for use with those classes.