We Are Australia

  • What does it mean to be Australian?
  • Choose one of the following Australian icons or items, and discuss:
    1. What is the item and how does it represent Australian?
    2. Who does it represent?
    3. Who isn’t represented, and why aren’t they represented?
    4. Is it a true representation of Australians?
  • Design your own Australian flag encompassing your beliefs of what it means to be an Australian. Consider things such as the existing historical flag of Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands, and other iconic images unique to Australia.


I am Australian (video+lyrics)

Advance Australia Fair

I love a Sunburnt Country

Collection of Artworks – Tom Roberts


About Ms Salmon

I am a teacher in NSW, Australia. I use this blog for my students each year, and for collecting games, videos, images etc. for use with those classes.